Sunday, May 30, 2010

sure let me remember

we went to others friends house. one guy was a douch bag closet fag and one a short mexican who looks like he has a black eye

we went to silverado. was weird so many cocks and none of them for me. coulda been hot but was not so much. i got hit on by a drag queen. but she hit on her first. the guy in the cage hit on her too. but she says, " dude you shake it for boys, we cant hang

we had to meet miga so we left. esl confusion makes fifteen mins sound like meet at bar 15. we go. she talks with every guy. goes to corners, touches asses. me and miga go to find her a few times. almost closing and i go one more time to find her. she lost phone, so we look. no luck. i call att and set up a lost phone stuff. she gets on but doesnt want to get out of car. i sit on curb till she does.

we call and get let in.

douch comes out with no shirt and i ask if he showin off or really have a girl in there

then she comes out, supa wasted. he tryin to get her on a bus. i convince her to stay. but take off shoes. she needs help so other does it, he gets mad. haa

i go ouside with mexi and talk for a min, but she comes out talikn about cock and he goes back with her. other is on couch with jerk, i sit with lady, she goes in room with mexi. i tell lady to come with me and he wont. so i take a bottle of vodka and walk out

i call jew. he kicks out friends. and i come over. jew takes care of me

Friday, May 28, 2010

shark tooth

i like this lady.
cant tell if she likes me
seems so by most days,
unless there is a sale, or list
on the line.
she is nice and regular.
but dont get in her way
she will mow you over.
even if you give her a snack and small talk.
she will fuck you over.
then she will act like she didnt.
damn shark.

Friday, May 14, 2010

quiet elegance

sun and city
bridges and boats
people and places.
food and drink.
walk and sit.
play and leave.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

man eater

watch out here she comes.
golden liquid pours out into my cup.
watch out, here she comes.
drink up

dont make the grown men cry..

who can count as grown?
hottness, hottmess, tease?
who can i be?
ill take my pick,
one of those, and some of these.
i do as i please.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


i get a call. come on down. dont waste this.
i shouldnt. but i will.
it gets worse.
I do.
and he does.
but he does it for a while.
I get bored.
I send him out.
I leave.
hes mad.
im laughing.

what is worst?

That is 6 am? Or that I walk into my parents house drunk off my ass, wearing some guys shirt, and meet my dad, making breakfast. "Good morning" is all I can come up with.
striaght to bed is where i go.
up again at noon, when i realize im the only adult in the house.
shower and huge lunch.
half nap on the couch,...
mom gets home from jury duty and takes the kids.
I sleep for 3 hours
dad comes home...
"I sleep, you play.
i work, you sleep,
what is wrong?"
"Im confused," I say
My mom says Im on vacation